Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Autism signs

I saw a post tonight from Autism Speaks-Jacksonville. It is for signs of Autism. I wanted to share this so others may also be able to seek intervention sooner rather than later. For so long I didn't know anything was "wrong."


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Somedays I feel discouraged

Today I'm feeling discouraged. I received a call from the nonprofit children's clinic wanting to schedule us for the evaluation. I know I should be saying YAY! I am happy it is getting us closer to having a diagnosis.  I was upset because they were unwilling to work with me. They wanted me to come on a Monday for a parent interview in which I can't have my child with me. I asked if they could do this before August 5 so I wouldn't have to get a babysitter. The answer was no. The lady explained I have to be there at 9am for the parent interview. I drop my son off for school at 8:30am. She said that was the only appointment slot. I told her I live in Green Cove Springs and their office is on Beach Blvd. Sorry lady but I don't know what world you are living in that you can travel from GCS to Beach Blvd in 30 minutes in rush hour traffic. Please let me know how you do it.

The other thing was that his actually evaluation is scheduled for the first day of school. It saddens my heart because John will miss the "first day" picture for the scrapbook and the fun activities. Also, he will have to miss another day of school the following week for a speech evaluation. SIGH!

I did call the CARD center(the first Dr. we were referred to in January) today just to see if there was any progress at that office, the receptionist told me the waiting list has not moved up any and no new slots were available. This is a LONG process. Even when we get the official diagnosis, it will then be getting the insurance to approve ABA and then get put on another waiting list for the Agency for Persons with Disabilities. I sometimes want to shake someone and say "Why won't you help my son?" It seems that unless you have money or know someone, you are of no importance to these people. My job is to get my son the earliest and best intervention possible to help him to grow and learn.